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Compassion Fatigue & Burnout Recovery
Rest, restore, and recover.
Are you emotionally exhausted?
You have lost your passion for your work.
The needs of people are greater than the energy you have each day.
You feel fatigued and are running on empty.
You wonder if you have anything left to give.
Sleep is difficult, irritability is increased.
You feel numb.
Compassion fatigue and burnout are real possibilities when you work in a helping or caregiving field.
It is considered an occupational hazard for healthcare workers, therapists, pastors, missionaries, and those who care for individuals with trauma. It impacts each area of life.
Physically, you may feel more aches and pains, your heart will race, some experience increased sweating, and an upset stomach.
Emotionally, you feel shut down, decreased self esteem, low motivation, increased feelings of anger, insecurity, and overwhelm.
Relationally, you may withdraw and isolate, feelings of loneliness are haunting, or you react emotionally to those you care about most.
Spiritually, you wonder what your purpose is, you feel lost, may feel anger toward God, and sense hopelessness.
Mentally, you have difficulty concentrating, intrusive images are on repeat in your mind, perfectionism strengthens, you feel as though your thoughts are swirling, nightmares occur, or you minimize the symptoms you are experiencing.
Compassion fatigue and burnout is not a weakness.
It is a natural part of exposure to suffering over time. To be in a caregiving role with those who have experienced trauma and not expect to experience compassion fatigue or burnout is like expecting yourself to walk on water without getting wet.
There is hope.
You can return to a place where you feel passionate about the work you do.
You can feel rested, joyful, and have increased satisfaction in relationships. You can feel hopeful for the day and experience the reward of caring for people as they heal. Your energy will increase, your sense of peace will return, and you can experience wellness in each aspect of life.
How we can help
We are confident that you can recover!
The healing process includes assessments to determine the level of compassion fatigue or burnout you are experiencing and together with your therapist, you will set goals in order for you to return to a place of wellness. You will identify personal warning signs of compassion fatigue, symptoms and results of experiencing it, and then obtain practical tools to assist you in developing a prevention and recovery plan to implement.
You will identify how to achieve wellness in each life domain and have accountability as you actively work the plan.
Through the compassion fatigue and burnout recovery process you will…
Increase work satisfaction
Set boundaries around your time and energy
Desensitize stressful encounters
Restore compassion and empathy for those you help
Reignite your passion
Obtain practical tools to continue implementing
Your wellbeing is worth investing in!
Frequently asked questions about compassion fatigue & burnout recovery
We understand that you are busy and finding time can be a challenge. Yet, what if you don’t make the time? Your wellbeing will continue to suffer and you won’t be able to continue impacting people. Just like we put an oxygen mask on ourselves first before assisting another, we need to put the emotional oxygen tank on, ensuring emotional, physical, and mental health before caring for others. With in person or online options sessions are more convenient than ever before.
Each individual’s story and situation is different and the amount of time it takes in order to experience wellness in each area of life is unique to you. In the early stages of the process we will assess your current level of compassion fatigue or burnout and develop a plan which will give you further information on the length of the process.
You will be an integral part of the process and the more you commit to implementing the elements discussed in session, the quicker you will return to wellness.
Not at all! Reaching out for help is a sign of strength! We all need help, or an outside perspective every now and then. The work you do and the integral part you have in the healing process of others, whether mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, can have a personal impact on you. If it didn’t, you would not be human.
There are many strengths you already have and we will utilize those in the process to assist in your process of healing.
Healthcare workers
Frontline workers
Other helping professionals